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iOS Sertifikaları

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Kimlik Sertifikaları için 10'luk ePKI paketi

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iOS Kimlik Sertifikaları

GlobalSign iOS Kimlik Sertifikaları 'kendi cihazını getir' dönemi için mükemmel uyumludur.

Şirketler için GlobalSign iOS Kimlik Sertifikaları:

  • Karar verme ve iş süreçlerinizi herzaman, heryerde cihaz erişimi ile kolaylaştırın
  • Sertifika tabanlı kimlik doğrulaması yoluyla çekirdek iş sistemlerine BYOD riskini azaltın
  • Avoid expensive and intrusive MDM solutions that relinquish employee control of their mobile devices, but have the ability to configure certain security policies and restrictions

Kurumsal iOS:

Every day the number of Enterprises and employees relying on iOS devices to conduct business is increasing, giving Enterprises and users flexibility to stay connected whether in the office or on the road. While this increased level of connectivity is beneficial for the Enterprise, opening sensitive business services to mobile device users creates serious security risks and vulnerabilities that must be addressed.

iPhone and iPad domanance in Enterprise industry showcases the importance of security

Nasıl çalışır:

1. Configure restrictions and authentication policies for your devices using Apple’s free Configuration profile utility. Restrictions and authentication policies include access to Microsoft Exchange, ActiveSync, Wi-FI Networks, installation of applications, use of camera, and many more.

2. Import/upload completed configuration profile to GlobalSign ePKI portal.

3. Order and issue iOS Authentication Certificates against the uploaded configuration profile.

4. IOS Certificates are issued and delivered using SCEP over the air enrollment. This means the certificate will be delivered directly to the iOS device and the keys are generated on the device and are not exportable; thus a very secure certificate delivery process.

5. Device user completes certificate installation process and can use device based on restrictions the administrator setup.

  • Microsoft Exhange ActiveSync
  • WiFi logo
  • iOS 5

iOS için Dijital Sertifikalar hakkında daha fazla bilgi için, lütfen Apple Destek Belgesine bakın: İşte iPhone - Dijital Sertifikalar

ePKI iOS ID Certificates sample deployment

GlobalSign’ın ePKI Platformu

GlobalSign's iOS Identity Certificates are available via GlobalSign's web-based management platform known as ePKI, allowing Enterprises to manage the lifecycle of multiple digital certificates for the entire Enterprise.

The ePKI platform also allows for streamlined distribution of configuration profiles using the iPhone configuration utility, including passcode policies, Wi-Fi, VPNs, Exchange ActiveSync, or applications.

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